We’re Engaged! An Honest And Vulnerable Look At How I Got Here

Walter and I got engaged!! It was a sweet moment in the Colorado mountains with a bouquet of wild daisies he had picked early in the morning, a tearful declaration of his love, and a gorgeous ring he designed himself to represent having found each other in a Universe of stars.

It was a magical moment that I will remember forever, in spite of the fact that I was mostly in shock while it was all happening and responded to his question of “Will you marry me?” with a nod rather than a “yes” because I was literally speechless (I ended up bawling two hours later when it actually hit me).

Needless to say, I’ve been on an emotional high since it happened. This relationship is unlike anything I have ever experienced. We unconditionally love each other and support each other constantly. Walter is always surprising me with little gifts, vegetables from the garden that he planted and tended, a warm hand to hold, and loving kisses. I constantly feel safe, loved, and nurtured in a way I never have before.

It took many failed relationships, heartbreaks, and disappointments to get to this point. After each heartbreak, I tried to find the learning in each one. I would love myself through each and every one and look at any false beliefs I had about love, love myself, and heal all that I could see needed healing. And yet, I still experienced men who couldn’t seem to fully love me and commit to a relationship.

It was about a year and a half ago, after a devastating heartbreak, I decided I had had enough. In meditation one day, I told Spirit, “I am done with this pattern of being rejected and abandoned by the men I love. Show me what I need to heal this.” At once, I saw myself in 5th grade. This surprised me. I asked to see more.

I looked at that 10-year-old self and she looked so sad and full of shame. I remembered that it was in 5th grade that I began to be teased for my weight. I had always been a bit of a chubby kid, but it was in 5th grade that the social pressures to be thin started to kick in. And, as pre-teens do, several began teasing me for being chubby, unathletic, and “different.” As I looked at this mental picture of myself, I could see how as a result of all of the teasing, some part of me decided that she wasn’t good enough – that she wasn’t pretty enough to be loved.

I could see clearly that at 10 years old, when I was trying to form a sense of myself and identity, the feedback I got from the peers around me was that something was wrong, I wasn’t beautiful, and I didn’t fit in. And in this culture, for women and girls, beauty is equated with worthiness. So, as a result of the teasing, some place inside of me decided that she was deeply unworthy because she wasn’t considered pretty.

This part of me had gone unhealed until that moment when I sat in meditation. However, these feeling of unworthiness had been hanging out in my unconscious for decades. Without my full conscious awareness, I had been choosing men who mirrored my feelings of unworthiness. In spite of all the healing and therapy I had done, there was still a part of me that believed she didn’t deserve the kind of love she wanted because she wasn’t pretty enough. It was like a light bulb went on.  In that moment, I could see why none of my previous relationships worked out. I didn’t fully believe I was worthy.

I worked with that 5th grade self in meditation and offering her forgiveness, and myself forgiveness, for having had to go through all of that. I loved her and helped her to see her worthiness. I showed her that her peers weren’t the arbitrators of worthiness, that she was inherently worthy (and still is) because she exists, no matter what she looks like.

After doing this work, I met Walter two months later. I finally felt worthy of the kind of man and relationship I wanted. And he came in immediately.

The more I do healing work with people, the more I see that worthiness is the core of so many of our struggles. As we feel worthy, we naturally attract great relationships, abundance, health, and career opportunities. Worthiness is the key to it all.

Where are there places inside of you that have decided you aren’t worthy of love, money, health, etc? Heal those places. If you need help, set up an appointment and we can uncover your inherent worth.

Worthiness is not something you need to do or achieve. Worthiness is already there. It just gets covered up by false beliefs and trauma.

You are completely and totally worthy, just as you are, right now.


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